Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm Joins TSLA

Jan, 2024

Three Seas Legal Alliance (TSLA) proudly announces the addition of Kyriakides Georgopoulos (KG) Law Firm (KG Law Firm) to our alliance, which follows the expansion of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) to Greece during its 2023 Annual Summit in Bucharest, Romania.  KG Law Firm is a top-ranked, full-service Greek law firm, with offices in Athens and Thessaloniki. 

The expansion of our alliance signifies an important milestone, as we remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting the economic growth and fostering investment opportunities within the 3SI region. As we embark on this new chapter and by bringing together leading law firms from each participating country in 3SI, we remain strategically positioned to a heightened level of cross-border cooperation and investment across diverse sectors, with the primary focus on transport, energy and digitalisation.